I was invited to join a Google Plus get together over the weekend by Jason Baker down at Cronulla’s sand dunes. I met Jason at one of my social events a month or so back and mentioned to him my interest in doing some light painting. This sort of light painting was a first for me, it was something I had wanted to get involved in for a long time but didn’t really have the knowledge or equipment to do so. Funtime’s were had by all (listen and watch the brief video), I came away with a better understanding of the technicalities of photographing such shots and a few new ventilation holes in my jacket.

Nicely done…sorry about burning you btw. Nicely done video.
Haha no worries, want to share your techniques for spinning? Was it the chicken wire one? Do you know what wool it was or was it just your skills at spinning that made it awesome?
Fine Grade Steel Wool – Michael Sutton did a basic guide here: http://snapguide.com/guides/make-a-light-painting-rig/
Hi Lee,
Perfectly exposed shot of steel wool spinning. What settings did you use? I tried this a coupla years ago at the Tramsheds but botched it a wee bit. Overexposed it a little – shutterspeed was too long methinks.
Ciao, Vic.
Hello Vic,
This one was slightly over exposed but managed to recover most of it in post. The settings were as follows:
Aperture: F9
Shutter Speed: 30s
ISO: 100
The smaller aperture allowed me to take the longer exposure without over exposing it. This sort of light painting takes a bit of trial and error but worth it if all goes to plan.