Being from Scotland it’s nice to visit the Blue Mountains in the freezing cold of winter. It reminds me of Scotland, actually Scotland would be 10-20 degrees colder. All this beautiful Australian weather has turned me soft and 13C is now unbearable. Anyway, I took these whilst up in the Blue Mountains teaching a group my Photoshop workflow. It was a busy weekend but we managed to squeeze in a two sunrises and a sunset. Glad to have come away with a couple great shots, Govetts Leap is really beautiful and has not been done to death like the Three Sisters.
Kings Tableland
Fabulous photos from Blue Mountains – the light is SO fine – wish I had been there at this time of the year/day, when i was there in January 2011….
Thank you Truels, I find the Blue Mountains a tough one to shoot sometimes and the light is not alway favourable so I was fortunate this visit.