In equal parts I love photography and adventure, so trips that involve both are a perfect fit for me. Some of my best, most popular photographs are those which take the viewer on a journey to a place rarely seen or hard-to-come-by. I realised this after receiving such an incredible response on social media from my photographs taken in Claustral Canyon.
Stars over Sestiere has also been received well, photographed after a few long hours snowshoeing into the mountains, close to our camp where we spent the night. It’s amazing to sleep in the mountains – with the right conditions, snow glows colourfully reflecting the colours of the setting sun and you are away from the bright lights of the city so the stars light up the nights sky.
Stars over Sestiere is a single exposure of 30 seconds, aperture F4, ISO 5000. The foreground is sufficiently exposed, aided by the rising moon. I focused a few meters into the scene, using a flashlight to aid manual focus. This and a wide focal length gave me sufficient depth of field to render the entire scene in focus.